Wednesday, July 1, 2009

When government agents who are paid by taxpayers to conduct research hide the results of that research, there is something seriously amiss. This appears to be the case in a matter that came to light in an article entitled Carbongate. Now that the Environmental Propaganda Agency is being used as a cudgel by the O-trolls of the New Progressive Order to extort money out of those who earn it, their goons have seen fit to kill their own messenger for inconveniently exposing their deception.

When unelected government agents levy taxes by enacting legislation through regulation, we no longer have representative government because we cannot replace the bureaucrats at the next election cycle.

As though intentionally decimating the US economy with myopic and factually unjustified regulation were not enough to punish the successful and pander to eco-nazi riffraff, the thieves-in-Birkenstocks have made plans to expand the Mommy State to such an extent that paying for it and maintaining current spending levels is impossible.

The Congressional Budget Office has long been recognized as the most reliable and impartial source of accounting for government expenses and revenues. Its report on the costs of paying for Obamatopia seems to garner little attention. One might conclude that the lapdog mainstream media have conspired to ignore the inconvenient truth.

Now the steal-'n-bribe crowd has invented another way to divert taxpayers' money to the bloated bureaucratic overhead. People who choose college majors that afford them no chance to acquire competitive job skills or even any hope of employment in their chosen fields of endeavor can pay little or nothing for 25 years and leave us holding the bag.

Imagine, professional students earn doctorates in fields that interest no one outside of academia, and they get to dump the expense on lenders, government, and taxpayers. Close examination might reveal fingerprints all over this mess from the federal Education Department and their ideological and moral equivalents in the National Education Association. This smells like Jimmy Carter and his Congress inventing the ED to repay NEA for helping to elect him. Who could be benefiting at the expense of others from this scheme?

May your gods be with you.

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