Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Carbon Tax, My Axe

Let's be clear about it; the term temporary tax is an oxymoron. The modern US income tax began in 1913, and it remains an albatross around the collective neck of American workers. It is workers, wage earners, and other people who make money legally who pay taxes. Those who can afford tax attorneys an CPA firms can counter the treachery of the pencil whippers and other government hoods like Barney the Bolshevik Frank and mitigate or avoid most taxation. Welfare recipients do not pay taxes; they merely return some of the money that government confiscated from its earners back to the taxing agents.

Now we are faced with another permanent back door tax in the name of the secular environmental god's proclamation, Kneecap and Rape. This euphemistically named carbon tax is a global redistribution of wealth scam in which US workers' tax dollars will be given to other nations as apologies for being successful capitalists while Chinese and Indian pollution increases exponentially along with their respective populations.

Advocates of this scheme offer no more than propaganda, lies, and disinformation as justification. Perhaps this is because they are unfamiliar with the bill. More likely, they simply cannot be bothered with such mundane activities as poring over the details of their robbing the people of the fruits of their labor.

Finally, lest we forget the legislative lineage of Barack the Benevolent (with others' resources) this bill was proposed by him and his cohorts.

May your gods be with you.

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