Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Carbon Tax, My Axe
Let's be clear about it; the term temporary tax is an oxymoron. The modern US income tax began in 1913, and it remains an albatross around the collective neck of American workers. It is workers, wage earners, and other people who make money legally who pay taxes. Those who can afford tax attorneys an CPA firms can counter the treachery of the pencil whippers and other government hoods like Barney the Bolshevik Frank and mitigate or avoid most taxation. Welfare recipients do not pay taxes; they merely return some of the money that government confiscated from its earners back to the taxing agents.
Now we are faced with another permanent back door tax in the name of the secular environmental god's proclamation, Kneecap and Rape. This euphemistically named carbon tax is a global redistribution of wealth scam in which US workers' tax dollars will be given to other nations as apologies for being successful capitalists while Chinese and Indian pollution increases exponentially along with their respective populations.
Advocates of this scheme offer no more than propaganda, lies, and disinformation as justification. Perhaps this is because they are unfamiliar with the bill. More likely, they simply cannot be bothered with such mundane activities as poring over the details of their robbing the people of the fruits of their labor.
Finally, lest we forget the legislative lineage of Barack the Benevolent (with others' resources) this bill was proposed by him and his cohorts.
May your gods be with you.
Certified Public Accountant,
Income tax,
Society and Culture,
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Thoughtcrime & Speechcrime for Me but not Thee
If you believe that you have not broken any federal laws, think again. Federal statutes are a bit like the King James bible's Old Testament, if you read long enough, you can find something that can be contrived in such a way that it can be used to persecute the innocent. For the crimethink of failing to anticipate all of the many deceitful interpretations of statutes and regulations that government lawyers can invent to suppress freethought and individual expression, people are being bankrupted and imprisoned.
The underlying philosophy of the government's persecutors is that the accused are assumed to be guilty of crimes in general for which they must be punished. The mere accusations are proof of guilt in and of themselves because the state would not squander precious resources persecuting the innocent.
First, the accused are publicly discredited by compliant media sources; this threatens their livelihoods. Then, their finances are depleted by legal expenses as they are further discredited in court. Only the very wealthy or fortunate are exonerated on appeal to higher courts; nonetheless, even then, they are left destitute by the expense of appeals trials and face limited earning prospects and even greater difficulty clearing their names. To be accused is to be punished.
We have entered an era in which citizens are being oppressed by government for insufficient pandering. The insufficient part of this formula is a classic example of the cerebrally challenged notthink of question begging. Leftist politicians and their bureaucratic lackeys take the position that citizens should be obligated by law, policy, and regulation to facilitate the ignoble aims of self-proclaimed professional victims, regardless whether whether they are merely victims of their own choices. This should come as little surprise with O-BigFibber leading the way.
Whereas people were once ostracized for lying, we have now elected a prevaricator-in-chief who is completely in sync with the national education guild that reveres dishonesty as critical thinking. His ideological twin Pelosi the Pink has told more lies in the last year than both Clintons combined. Add to those lies the ones spewed by Red Harry Reid, and there is enough deception to send the entire Democratic Party to hell. Unfortunately, one result is that the country is on the road to ruin along with them.
May your gods be with you.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Cell Phone Lobotomy, or Where is MADD?
You've seen them; they are the simpletons who have too little ram to converse and drive simultaneously but do so to the peril of others. He is slouched down in the driver's seat with the top of his head barely visible just to the left of the headrest. Dumbo steers with the thumb and index finger of his left hand and mashes the phone against his face with his right.
The audio system is jacked up to such decibel levels that the vehicle's sides bulge outward with each base note. The driver, to use the term loosely, is oblivious to the cars that are steadily passing him on his right as he slinks along in the fast lane at 5 mph. below the posted speed limit. The boy genius is tooling blithely along in an erotic stupor as he describes in lurid detail what he plans to do that evening with the object of his desire who is on the other end of the conversation.
That object is driving to a mega mall with three of her friends who are all yakking vapidly about their social lives on their own cell phones. The rear view mirror is tilted conveniently so that she can switch from checking her hair and makeup, critiquing what her friends are wearing, and looking to see whether any cute guys are following them. For her, the view outside the windshield has taken on the appearance of a cartoon as she mentally creates a new persona to upload to the Web with her Yoostar so that she can impress her buddies with it.
The government that wants to micromanage your life to a point that it chooses your doctor for you can't protect children from predators. That same government has squandered a trillion tax dollars propping up industries that are collapsing from the weight of Congressional over-regulation and taxation. However, it cannot protect you, your friends, or loved ones from being maimed and mangled by feckless dimwits who are engaging in mindless mutual ego massaging as they travel the nation's roadways. It is up to us.
May your gods be with you.
The audio system is jacked up to such decibel levels that the vehicle's sides bulge outward with each base note. The driver, to use the term loosely, is oblivious to the cars that are steadily passing him on his right as he slinks along in the fast lane at 5 mph. below the posted speed limit. The boy genius is tooling blithely along in an erotic stupor as he describes in lurid detail what he plans to do that evening with the object of his desire who is on the other end of the conversation.
That object is driving to a mega mall with three of her friends who are all yakking vapidly about their social lives on their own cell phones. The rear view mirror is tilted conveniently so that she can switch from checking her hair and makeup, critiquing what her friends are wearing, and looking to see whether any cute guys are following them. For her, the view outside the windshield has taken on the appearance of a cartoon as she mentally creates a new persona to upload to the Web with her Yoostar so that she can impress her buddies with it.
The government that wants to micromanage your life to a point that it chooses your doctor for you can't protect children from predators. That same government has squandered a trillion tax dollars propping up industries that are collapsing from the weight of Congressional over-regulation and taxation. However, it cannot protect you, your friends, or loved ones from being maimed and mangled by feckless dimwits who are engaging in mindless mutual ego massaging as they travel the nation's roadways. It is up to us.
May your gods be with you.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength
Hmmm, so "Obama has pledged to restore the rule of law," has he? By law, Ol'BigEars certainly does not mean the US Constitution and its amendments. If that were the case, he would have stopped all spending on the federal Education Department. Additionally, states' participation in Medicaid would be voluntary rather than mandatory and have been made the responsibility of the individual states. If his claim were truthful, Democrats' welfare health care scam would not be a blatant violation of the Constitution. Government Motors stocks owned by taxpayers would be sold to the highest bidder, and Little Timmy Geithner would be replaced with someone whose economic philosophy reflects that of the Chicago School.
Another of O-BeanBrain's claims, that he wants to spread around other people's wealth, is so selective in its application that it also deserves scrutiny. One way to spread around wealth would be to help tax paying hourly wage earners by eliminating separate taxpayer funded pension plans and health benefits for all non-military government employees, starting with Congress. Double dipping former National Education Association members currently employed by the federal Education Department should find the public retirement trough unavailable, too.
So far, the Obamadroids have have used Pelosi's Caldron to fashion an evil synthesis comprised of Soviet socialism and the Nazi corporate state--they were different parts of the same whole--to create government endowed capitalism that reeks mightily of the US Postal Service's snail mail.
May your gods be with you.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Digital Exam for America
Finally, some of the details of the Obamatrons' plans to further the scope of the theft-welfare state are beginning to emerge. They were planned to be unveiled on Friday afternoon when fewer people notice. This is a favorite tactic of the ruling class wanna-be group, to disseminate news and trial balloons when the national audience is smallest, but the scam has been leaked.
Small businesses, the most prolific creators of new jobs in this nation, will get the green weenie but not big labor or its bureaucrats. In a stunning turn of events--gosh and gasp--do you suppose that this scam will result in more unemployed and more O-bots to care for them?
The nation's watchdog on federal spending is the Congressional Budget Office. This report belies claims from the ObamaMommies that their health care hustle will lower federal spending on healthcare entitlements; actually, it will increase it. One such infamous federal shafting of taxpayers came in the form of the unfunded mandate known as Medicaid. Individual states are required by the feds to find ways to pay for Congress' largesse with state taxpayers' money. Margaret Thatcher was right, the problem with socialism is that "eventually you run out of other people's money." Unfortunately we have run out of money, period.
Those who would complain find little recourse. In a tradition described by Nat Hentoff in his book Free Speech for me but not for Thee, the folks from the O-boomboom Room continue to fetter free speech, especially when it exposes their schemes. It seems that there is little coverage of this from their ethical soulmates, the Presstitutes.
May your gods be with you.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
More Equal than Others
Affirmative action, although not means tested, is an entitlement program that applies segregated, inferior requirements and expectations to the conduct and performance of its recipients. Through it, the mommy state bestows unearned privileges and benefits to its subjects on the basis of race, creed, religion, gender, and national origin.
The ersatz excuses offered for this program are, to be kind, classic examples of specious reasoning. Attempts to justify the affirmative welfare program are almost invariably pathetic in nature. They appeal to emotion and arbitrary personal beliefs and resolutely avoid addressing reason and intellect through the process of rational deliberation.
Primarily, the Affirmative Welfare argument runs as follows. When official government policies of race and gender discrimination were practiced many years ago--AW began in 1968 as one of Lyndon Johnson's executive orders--such practices were legal. AW advocates claim that, although legal, those policies were morally wrong. Now that official government policies of race and gender discrimination have allegedly been made illegal, advocates for today's official government policies of race and gender discrimination claim that they are morally right. That is, they are morally right as long as they purchase the right votes. Equally Orwellian are supporters' claims that such actions are only discriminatory when practiced by their adversaries.
Much has been made lately about a New Haven, Conn. firefighters' promotion examination that was thrown out because the inherent characteristics of those who earned the highest scores made them unqualified for this entitlement. The leading judge in this case has been appointed to the Supreme Court by the Vacuous One. Sotomayor's supporters and their tactics speak volumes about their values and beliefs. Given her linguistic and intellectual performance on the bench to date, this should come as no surprise.
It is equally unsurprising that she proudly proclaims that she is an "affirmative (welfare) baby."
May your gods be with you.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Obamaites Sense of Direction and Purpose
Pete King will no doubt be vilified by the sycophant mainstream media--he would be pilloried and branded if the Doctrine of Political Cowardice Crowd had its way--but thank goodness that he said what millions of Americans have been thinking. Jackson was a pedophile who would likely have been given the same treatment as Jeffrey Dahmer had he been sent to prison.
Perhaps rumors are true that O'l-Bigears slapped some sense into Veep Joe Biden. Joe's comments concerning Israel's right to a preemptive strike against Iran stir memories of what happened to Libyan nuclear aspirations. If the Chinese finally choose to act on the realization that a nuclear armed North Korea is not in the best interests of anyone within their sphere of influence, they could put Pyongyang on a very short leash with a naval blockade.
Speaking of a lack of diplomacy, the progressivist, socialist, and statist policies of Pelosi, Frank, and Reid, along with their culpable cohorts at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac created the mortgage meltdown mess from the leavings of Lyndon Johnson and Jimmy Carter. If those publicly elected people and their appointees were adept at operating businesses for profit, they would not be in the business of confiscating other people's hard-earned money to provide their constituents with welfare housing.
For those who hold the basic understanding that au courant terms such as situational ethics, aggressive diplomacy, and government-private partnership are oxymoronic, be advised that the terms sophistry and prevarication are synonymous.
Lastly, this what if scenario concerning the past federal election.
May your gods be with you.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
When government agents who are paid by taxpayers to conduct research hide the results of that research, there is something seriously amiss. This appears to be the case in a matter that came to light in an article entitled Carbongate. Now that the Environmental Propaganda Agency is being used as a cudgel by the O-trolls of the New Progressive Order to extort money out of those who earn it, their goons have seen fit to kill their own messenger for inconveniently exposing their deception.
When unelected government agents levy taxes by enacting legislation through regulation, we no longer have representative government because we cannot replace the bureaucrats at the next election cycle.
As though intentionally decimating the US economy with myopic and factually unjustified regulation were not enough to punish the successful and pander to eco-nazi riffraff, the thieves-in-Birkenstocks have made plans to expand the Mommy State to such an extent that paying for it and maintaining current spending levels is impossible.
The Congressional Budget Office has long been recognized as the most reliable and impartial source of accounting for government expenses and revenues. Its report on the costs of paying for Obamatopia seems to garner little attention. One might conclude that the lapdog mainstream media have conspired to ignore the inconvenient truth.
Now the steal-'n-bribe crowd has invented another way to divert taxpayers' money to the bloated bureaucratic overhead. People who choose college majors that afford them no chance to acquire competitive job skills or even any hope of employment in their chosen fields of endeavor can pay little or nothing for 25 years and leave us holding the bag.
Imagine, professional students earn doctorates in fields that interest no one outside of academia, and they get to dump the expense on lenders, government, and taxpayers. Close examination might reveal fingerprints all over this mess from the federal Education Department and their ideological and moral equivalents in the National Education Association. This smells like Jimmy Carter and his Congress inventing the ED to repay NEA for helping to elect him. Who could be benefiting at the expense of others from this scheme?
May your gods be with you.
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