Sunday, June 14, 2009

Verbosity Without Veracity

O-boomboom's propaganda, lies, and disinformation continue unabated in the form of non-factual historical revisionism. Mainstream media's thunderous silence reveals its complicity in the deception, offering further evidence that those who hide things are usually up to no good.

Not too many years ago, the Palin outrage would have been resolved by a couple of members of her tribe giving Davey Boy a stern lecture that would have left him with a fat lip and black eye. That the network which once employed Walter Cronkite has sunk to this level indicates the amoral state of many Americans.

Despite all of the O-bamista's whining and ankle biting prior to taking control of Congress and the White House, there has been little, if any, relief from the Bush Administration's alleged oppression of the masses by either the O-legislative or O-executive branches of government. We are still not secure in our personal effects and papers, habeas corpus is but a distant memory, police need not show prior probable cause, and we can still be held indefinitely for refusing to give evidence against ourselves.

The Web offers the last relatively unfettered marketplace of ideas on this planet. It has been a thorn in the side of those who are desperate to silence inconvenient dissent against the socialist, totalitarian, and fascist cancer known as progressivism. The scheme to still the voices of reason is the same old hustle by the same old cons; it is to tax, regulate, control, and censor free political speech.

May your gods be with you.

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