Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Utopia's Costs are Prohibitive

George Will echoes the concerns of many about our nation's ability to pay for Obamatopia and Fearless Leader's prevarications concerning his plans and schemes. When the federal government competes against private enterprise, taxpayers lose.

We lose the taxes paid and jobs provided by the businesses that are forced to close. We lose the options presented when the pool of available alternatives dwindles or disappears. We lose the benefits of competition that drives companies to produce more efficient and effective goods and services to maintain or increase their shares of limited markets. Without such competition, the quality of products declines. Even worse, federal bureaucracies have no incentive for efficiency. They can access the taxpayers' pockets directly to cover the costs of their ineptitude. Worst of all, the prime directive of every government bureaucracy is to increase the size of its fiefdom, regardless of the cost to taxpayers.

Even some of O-beebop's most staunch supporters oppose the proposed federal encroachment on states and increased intrusion into the lives of citizens. Diane Feinstein, socialist CA, complains that her state's portion of national welfare health care will bankrupt the state. If it will cause financial collapse in California, what about Florida, Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico, the other states that are most heavily impacted by both legal and illegal immigration?

Nearly 40% of the reportedly uninsured reside in those five states.

Employment offers the single most readily available opportunity to acquire health care, yet the progressivist piddlers in the White House and Congress continue to dither as the nation slides ever farther down the slippery slope toward economic ruin.

May your gods be with you.

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