Thursday, August 20, 2009

We Have Eyes on You, Obuma

Too clever by half might be one view of him. Another might be that his reach so far exceeds his grasp that it is clear that he takes himself far too seriously. After the shell game that his lackeys in Congress played with their nationalizing the health industry, his oh so transparent administration seems more like smoke and mirrors. The Transparent Ones' stooping to censorship (contemptible timidity in the face of inconvenient truth) evinces the desperation of their position.

Plans to dump his welfare healthcare utopia's costs onto mom and pop businesses were poorly received, perhaps because their owners remember Obuma's broken campaign promises. Those businessmen and women may resent having the fruit of their labors confiscated so that Barack the Bureaucrat and his buddies can increase the size of the welfare state by importing illegal aliens. For those who have fallen for the media's portraying illegal aliens as downtrodden farm workers, think again.

Beanbrain Barack was identified early on as a loose suit. That he is comprised of sound bytes and electronic trickery, his policies are based upon voodoo economics, and he wants to create an America that would make Saul Alinsky proud are facts that the mainstream media lapdogs resolutely ignore. Despite his fawning supporters, the toll is beginning to tell on him. He is not built for the long haul; he is a sprinter rather than a marathoner, and he has begun to fade in the face of adversity.

Speaking of adversity, those pesky Birthers just won't go away.

How many lies will it take before the public denounces him? Will it happen in the 2010 election? The GOP could put an end to the Gang of Three's devious schemes and force scrutiny and accountability on them and Opie Obuma. Time and again the left proves that its members are unable to bear being treated as they have treated others; it is revealing the they are not simply to embarrassed to be seen behaving in such a churlish manner.

May your gods be with you.

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