Saturday, August 22, 2009
The End is Uncomfortably Close
The good news is that Obuma may be his worst enemy. Despite saturation level electronic and print media coverage, he regularly speaks his mind to his own detriment. Thank goodness for it, too. Unfortunately for taxpayers, he can also use their money to lobby against their best interests.
With any good fortune, Ol-Bigears could be a one term president.
However, the lapdog presstitutes are still carrying political water for him. There are other points of view that merit consideration. Specifically, we are likely too far along the slippery slope of living beyond our collective means to recover.
It could prove interesting to see how Obuma, Pelosi, Reid, and Frank try to maintain the theft welfare state when we can no longer mortgage our national future sufficiently to fund their economic shell game.
May your gods be with you.
Friday, August 21, 2009
The fate of the country is in doubt.
Inflation is engineered by government agents as a means of taxation without representation. It is the result of actions
by unelected officials at the US Treasury Department and Federal Reserve. The nation's bean counters recognize that they reap more money by taxing the same product at $100 than $10. One way to achieve this hidden form of taxation is by printing worthless dollars to monitize the nation's debt.
When we print dollars that are not backed by wealth, we artificially increase the number of dollars competing for goods and services both here and abroad. Since the amount of goods and services is finite, more dollar competition drives up their costs. Escalating cost without increasing value is inflation.
Unfortunately for the BorgBrains, there are voices of dissent.
If the housing mess is the official economic scapegoat for the Obumakins, how can they justify the actions of Ginnie Mae?
Nonetheless, there may be light at the end of the tunnel.
May your gods be with you.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
We Have Eyes on You, Obuma
Too clever by half might be one view of him. Another might be that his reach so far exceeds his grasp that it is clear that he takes himself far too seriously. After the shell game that his lackeys in Congress played with their nationalizing the health industry, his oh so transparent administration seems more like smoke and mirrors. The Transparent Ones' stooping to censorship (contemptible timidity in the face of inconvenient truth) evinces the desperation of their position.
Plans to dump his welfare healthcare utopia's costs onto mom and pop businesses were poorly received, perhaps because their owners remember Obuma's broken campaign promises. Those businessmen and women may resent having the fruit of their labors confiscated so that Barack the Bureaucrat and his buddies can increase the size of the welfare state by importing illegal aliens. For those who have fallen for the media's portraying illegal aliens as downtrodden farm workers, think again.
Beanbrain Barack was identified early on as a loose suit. That he is comprised of sound bytes and electronic trickery, his policies are based upon voodoo economics, and he wants to create an America that would make Saul Alinsky proud are facts that the mainstream media lapdogs resolutely ignore. Despite his fawning supporters, the toll is beginning to tell on him. He is not built for the long haul; he is a sprinter rather than a marathoner, and he has begun to fade in the face of adversity.
Speaking of adversity, those pesky Birthers just won't go away.
How many lies will it take before the public denounces him? Will it happen in the 2010 election? The GOP could put an end to the Gang of Three's devious schemes and force scrutiny and accountability on them and Opie Obuma. Time and again the left proves that its members are unable to bear being treated as they have treated others; it is revealing the they are not simply to embarrassed to be seen behaving in such a churlish manner.
May your gods be with you.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Worse than Clinton and Gore?
ABC's presstitutes are hard at it again pandering to Obuma's disinformation machine. Whenever the Prince of Deception fails, it is invariably due to another vast right-wing conspiracy. It is not because the people caught on to his whoppers before they were sold down the river.
I've got your conspiracy.
The ironically named Public Television is another disseminator of propaganda that does the work of Deceptive Darth. Now they want to send forth the Robbing Hoods to gather additional pounds of flesh to fund their perfidious proclamations.
Speaking of catching on to scams and schemes, the Daily KooKoos, or Netboobs, or whatever they call themselves this week have an expose to address. Undoubtedly they will continue to bumble blithely onward instead. What about those wars, fellows? Their hypocritical anti-war blitherings were little more than a means to designate hated others to divert attention away from examining their aims and claims.
Despite the vitriol directed toward the so-called birthers, this what if scenario. Would we really be better off if Boffo Biden were president? There are those who believe that a wise few in the Senate impeachment voted to keep Clinton in office. They realized that to remove President Bubba would have left Gore the incumbent late in the last term, virtually assuring his election to the White House. Whew, dodged another one.
May your gods be with you.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Welfare for All but Guess Who's Paying for it?
The recent housing crisis/mortgage meltdown/recession was a direct result of progressivist advocates of the theft-welfare state giving housing to people who did not deserve it because they could not pay for it. True to form, this Ponzi scheme that was begun and perpetuated by Obuma's ethical and ideological soulmates collapsed like a house of cards, and the mess ended up looking like most federal housing projects do after 8-10 years. The results are consistent with what happens to housing when it is occupied over time by people who have made little or no personal, economic, or material sacrifice to acquire or maintain it.
The bureaucrats at HUD, FHA, and countless housing authorities whose jobs were made secure as well as the publicly elected officials at the federal, state, and local level who won re-election from this rip-off of the workers took note of how effectively they shed the blame for their thievery. Now, they are at it again in Westchester County, NY.
Since too few people who qualify for affirmative welfare were sufficiently affluent to acquire housing there lawfully, the federal Robbing Hoods are forcing the local government to pay $50 million to provide housing for people who cannot afford to live there. This is almost certain to drive down property values. To pursue this theft is sufficiently disgusting, but to do it now that home values have recently plummeted so precipitously shows the callousness, deception, and greed of the O-Bots.
As progressivism's statist debacle continues to trample the Constitution, they continue to wave the document as justification for their theft of others' resources. The First Amendment exists only as a shell of its former self and primarily for affirmative welfare recipients. Official government censorship dampens the sort of free speech that it guarantees. Official government lies make a mockery of it. Yes, hypocrisy, or making contradictory statements whenever it is expedient, is a particularly low and despicable form of lying. This behavior is exemplified by Barack the Baloneymeister and his cadre of self-righteous pontificators.
America is nothing without political freedom, or liberty. Liberty is the absence of government interference in the lives of individuals; specifically, this means free from interference by bureaucrats who feel that so many of us need to be told what to think, how to feel, and how to live. Even if liberty gives us only the right to make choices that may eventually turn out to be wrong for us, we are better off to reject the future planned for us in Brave New Healthcare, Obuma's Animal Farm, and 1984; Twenty-five Years Later.
May your gods be with you.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Outing the O-Bums
Do you remember this fellow? He is Snidely Whiplash Obama.
Today's post is a gallimaufry of gnostic gleanings from electronic gobbledygook.
You can believe me; why would I lie?
What do they know? They're just a bunch of busybodies.
The most effective way to decrease national health expenditures is to decrease the population by rationing health care.
Old dogs have teeth too.
Why should people who have no pensions fund them for others?
It's time to improve US health care by eliminating frivolous lawsuits and cost shifting, get government out of the health insurance business, and increase risk pool numbers by allowing health insurance to be sold across state lines.
Specious reasoning is prevarication.
Aren't you just a bit ashamed of being a burden on your family and loved ones?
The right to life has taken on a completely new meaning.
Do you mean that I'm benefiting at the expense of others from this bill? Moi?
Prior to accepting a spokesman's claims concerning a product, find out how he benefits from promoting it.
If you are tired of caring for the elderly; then, Obama can help.
May your gods be with you.
Friday, August 7, 2009
The left wing's O-Borgers, or secular progressives, are the darlings of the lapdog media's presstitutes; they exhibit a nearly universal set of characteristics.
They are 1) too pusillanimous to bear being treated as they have treated others 2) selfishly trying to determine how others must live 3) parroting a pre-packaged collection of others' values and beliefs 4) coveting others' legal, social, economic, and political resources 5) too devoid of integrity to admit the inconvenient truth 6) relying on propaganda, lies, disinformation, interminable quibbling, neologisms and thuggery to silence rational dissent.
They are desperate to convince others that they are not themselves.
The links below address the first characteristic. Items 2-6 will be addressed in later posts. Together, the six reveal the ideological and psychological profile of the people who have instituted the socialist, totalitarian, and fascist policies and laws that shackle America.
May your gods be with you.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Et Spreken Ze Totalitarianese, Yah?
Odumbo's welfare health care bill is more than 1000 pages of secular progressivism that aims to institute a government Ministry of Health similar to that of the former Soviet Union. If you are planning to enroll in Medicare or continuing to use it, forget it. The same goes for Medicaid.
The White House spin corps employs tactics of disinformation to obfuscate facts concerning their plans. The first order of business for them is to deny altogether that they have proposed legislation to nationalize the US health care industry. Second, they engage in ad hominem attacks to discredit those who have exposed the flaws in their plans rather than to refute their arguments. The more closely that the plan is scrutinized, the more ponderously unworkable, expensive, and intrusive it becomes.
Third, they present crutches-for-little-Timmy-Cratchet type emotional arguments to divert attention away from the information that is revealed by rationally deliberating the relevant empirical evidence concerning their bill. Fourth, they name and caricature their opponents in order to identify them as hated others rather than as people. This is the sort of mindless neurotic drivel that sent Japanese-Americans to internment camps in WWII.
On page 29 of HR3200, we learn that health care will be rationed. What a shock; Obama lied. Page 42 informs us that the Health Choices Czar will determine, on an individual basis, which treatments and benefits will be allowed. Page 50 reveals that illegal immigrants have the same rights to government health care as citizens.
We are told on page 58 that everyone in the country will be required by law to have a national health care identification card. Und veah ah zee peephazz, Hah! Et spreken ze totalitarianese? If you believe that this will only be used for health care, you are dangerously naive and gullible. Pages 58 and 59 authorize the Ministry of Health to have direct access to all bank accounts. On 195 it states the the Ministry will have access to all financial and personal records. So much for being secure in our personal effects and papers. The list of transgressions and treachery is long and should be read by all concerned citizens.
Evidence indicates that people who have private insurance will desert those plans in droves in favor of welfare health care.
Families with children will pay more for health care because the subsidies that those with private insurance were previously charged by hospitals will end. Below is from the previous link.
Historically, public programs--specifically Medicare and Medicaid--have reimbursed providers at levels below the costs of their services. For example, in 2003, on average, Medicare paid hospitals only 95 percent of the cost of providing services, while Medicaid paid hospitals only 89 percent of the cost of providing services. These below-cost reimbursements to providers by private payers--as evidenced by hospital reimbursements to the tune of 122 percent of costs in 2003. This cost shift, in turn, inflates private health insurance premiums for individuals and families.
Medicare will cease to exist. For years, politicians have slavered at the thought of means testing Medicare in order to burden those who were successful in life with paying for even more of the mommy staters' purchasing of votes from their theft-welfare constituents. Now, Medicare will be bundled into the Health Ministry's scheme along with Medicaid. It seems interesting that those who paid into the system will be lumped together with the indigent offspring of illegal aliens.
May your gods be with you.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Shreds 'n Tatters
For more information on this link, please see earlier posts.
Obama is starting to have the same sort of smirk when he lies as Bill Clinton. Notice the deception when he leans forward.
Never underestimate an enemy or his observations, and most especially, never underestimate the hun within the gate. Barack the Hun believes that we as a nation should be taken down a peg or two, and he is in the process of doing it. Unilaterally imposing crippling conditions on our people--one of his schemes is to quadruple the cost of gasoline, electricity, natural gas, and heating fuel--that will make more and more of us wards of the state. Gosh, I wonder who might benefit from that?
The first massive handout funded by intergenerational theft failed, so let's print some more checks. While we are busily bloating the federal budget and its cadre of federal employees who pander to wards of the state, let's send some federal welfare checks to the states so that they won't have to lay off any members of the National Education Association or the State and Local employees organizations.
Speaking of taxation without representation, czars who don't answer directly to taxpayers or periodically have to stand for election seem to be sprouting out of the ground like mushrooms.
May your gods be with you.
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