Saturday, June 20, 2009

It Can't Happen Here

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. A favorite refrain of the Obamites is the claim that "this is different," deftly sidestepping obvious questions such as different from what and in what ways. However, none of the mainstream media's self-censoring house eunuchs, especially Absolutely Barack's Charlatans, are willing to ask the difficult to answer questions about his revival of Hillary Healthcare or Ol'-BigEars' resolute support of the federal policies and Patriot Act that he once claimed to abhor.

Matters that William F. Buckley frequently took into account when he considered the relative merits of proposals offered by members of government were the economic, political, social, and legal costs of implementing them. Perhaps slavish devotion to products that are purported to be green can cause the law of unintended consequences bring about unwanted and unpleasant effects that outweigh any expected benefits.

Some $800 billion tax dollars have been earmarked to fund the unmanageable, partisan, and unjustified bureaucratic boondoggle that Barack's Beanbrains have euphemistically called the Recovery Act. Recovery is needed, but of a different sort. Congress needs to recover from its shopaholic spending sprees that are bleeding the public because we are soon to "run out of other people's money." When the $1-1.5 trillion that they plan to confiscate from workers to pay for nationalizing the health care industry is added to the recovery bill, we will not be able to pay the interest on our debt, let alone meet mandatory domestic obligations.

In the above mentioned article, Senator Max Baucus, a Democrat from Montana who is the Senate Finance Committee Chairman, wants to tax private health care plans to pay for his largess with other people's money. This tax will result in millions dropping employer furnished health care insurance in favor of hopping onto the public dole. Drastically reducing the number of people who share the costs of private insurance is the first step in taking over the industry without buying out the stockholders. Does this smell like the banking and automobile industries? All of this comes about without significant complaint from O-boomboom's media sycophants over the massive increase in scope of the totalitarian theft-welfare state.

With state theft of resources, massive deficit spending funded by monitized debt, both of which are excused as necessary by a carismatic leader, and soon-to-follow hyperinflation, the next logical step is for the government information apparatus to designate a hate group on whom to blame the mess created by public officials, bureaucrats, and their drones. This sort of nonsense only happens in movies; click the start button on the YouTube video. It can't happen here.

May your gods be with you.
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