Thursday, June 25, 2009

Stealing from Tomorrow to Pay for Today's Excesses

Barack's Barbarians are terrified of transparency. They have hired America's Blithering Clowns as shills to obfuscate inconvenient information and broadcast disinformation to gather support for the latest version of the theft-welfare state. Vastly increasing the numbers of people who are dependent on government (O-bot's constituents) is central to their schemes. Knee-Capping trade and throttling the national economy, aka. Cap and Trade, is one example. This article describes only a part of what is in store for America.

Worse yet, O-Blarney's ministry of information the American Bull-bleep Corporation, just aired a one-hour infomercial of the administration's Brave New Health Care, toadying up to the administration's progressivist schemes to institute nationwide Ed Kennedy's
Massachusetts-style socialized medicine

If you believe that all forms of employer furnished health insurance except for--what a shock!--government employees and unions will not be taxed
eventually on a nationwide scale, you are dangerously naive and gullible. O'l-Bigears has taken the standard party line of his ideological soul mates, government rationed health care for thee but not for me. By the way, anyone who believes that forcing insurance companies to insure all applicants regardless of existing conditions, without higher premiums, and with a vastly reduced pool of customers to shoulder the costs will not force them out of business should contact this blog to purchase some unicorn futures.

What has not been discussed in the health care propaganda wars is personal responsibility and how it has been made exponentially more expensive through cost shifting by passing along to the insured the costs of treating the uninsured.

Their next move is to make The One dictator for life.

May your gods be with you.

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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Utopia's Costs are Prohibitive

George Will echoes the concerns of many about our nation's ability to pay for Obamatopia and Fearless Leader's prevarications concerning his plans and schemes. When the federal government competes against private enterprise, taxpayers lose.

We lose the taxes paid and jobs provided by the businesses that are forced to close. We lose the options presented when the pool of available alternatives dwindles or disappears. We lose the benefits of competition that drives companies to produce more efficient and effective goods and services to maintain or increase their shares of limited markets. Without such competition, the quality of products declines. Even worse, federal bureaucracies have no incentive for efficiency. They can access the taxpayers' pockets directly to cover the costs of their ineptitude. Worst of all, the prime directive of every government bureaucracy is to increase the size of its fiefdom, regardless of the cost to taxpayers.

Even some of O-beebop's most staunch supporters oppose the proposed federal encroachment on states and increased intrusion into the lives of citizens. Diane Feinstein, socialist CA, complains that her state's portion of national welfare health care will bankrupt the state. If it will cause financial collapse in California, what about Florida, Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico, the other states that are most heavily impacted by both legal and illegal immigration?

Nearly 40% of the reportedly uninsured reside in those five states.

Employment offers the single most readily available opportunity to acquire health care, yet the progressivist piddlers in the White House and Congress continue to dither as the nation slides ever farther down the slippery slope toward economic ruin.

May your gods be with you.

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Saturday, June 20, 2009

It Can't Happen Here

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. A favorite refrain of the Obamites is the claim that "this is different," deftly sidestepping obvious questions such as different from what and in what ways. However, none of the mainstream media's self-censoring house eunuchs, especially Absolutely Barack's Charlatans, are willing to ask the difficult to answer questions about his revival of Hillary Healthcare or Ol'-BigEars' resolute support of the federal policies and Patriot Act that he once claimed to abhor.

Matters that William F. Buckley frequently took into account when he considered the relative merits of proposals offered by members of government were the economic, political, social, and legal costs of implementing them. Perhaps slavish devotion to products that are purported to be green can cause the law of unintended consequences bring about unwanted and unpleasant effects that outweigh any expected benefits.

Some $800 billion tax dollars have been earmarked to fund the unmanageable, partisan, and unjustified bureaucratic boondoggle that Barack's Beanbrains have euphemistically called the Recovery Act. Recovery is needed, but of a different sort. Congress needs to recover from its shopaholic spending sprees that are bleeding the public because we are soon to "run out of other people's money." When the $1-1.5 trillion that they plan to confiscate from workers to pay for nationalizing the health care industry is added to the recovery bill, we will not be able to pay the interest on our debt, let alone meet mandatory domestic obligations.

In the above mentioned article, Senator Max Baucus, a Democrat from Montana who is the Senate Finance Committee Chairman, wants to tax private health care plans to pay for his largess with other people's money. This tax will result in millions dropping employer furnished health care insurance in favor of hopping onto the public dole. Drastically reducing the number of people who share the costs of private insurance is the first step in taking over the industry without buying out the stockholders. Does this smell like the banking and automobile industries? All of this comes about without significant complaint from O-boomboom's media sycophants over the massive increase in scope of the totalitarian theft-welfare state.

With state theft of resources, massive deficit spending funded by monitized debt, both of which are excused as necessary by a carismatic leader, and soon-to-follow hyperinflation, the next logical step is for the government information apparatus to designate a hate group on whom to blame the mess created by public officials, bureaucrats, and their drones. This sort of nonsense only happens in movies; click the start button on the YouTube video. It can't happen here.

May your gods be with you.
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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Change We Need

It seems as though the Islamofascists in Iran may be teetering on the brink of--gasp!--democracy. Ahamadingbat, Fidel Castro, and Kim Jong Il are over due to be swept into the dustbin of history. Despite charges of electioneering, the Empty One seems not to have the stomach for sounding a clarion call for change in Iran. Now, the Iranian status quo is engaged in a full-time cover up to hide election irregularities.

On the economic front, the Barack's Beanbrains' new start-up, Hypocrisy'rUs is roaring along.

On the secure in our personal effects and papers front, let your voice be heard if you think that your communications have been monitored. Apparently, one need not be Vito Corleone to attract unwanted attention; nonetheless, there are ways to maintain some semblance of privacy.

May your gods be with you.
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Monday, June 15, 2009

The Same Failed Experiment

Secretary of the rudderless State Hillary Robthem Clinton's thoroughly researched, cleverly planned, and oxymorinically named policy of aggressive diplomacy (appeasement) is hard at work failing to deter the North Korea's sociopathic pursuit of of nuclear proliferation. This scheme has certainly been a winner throughout history. Rome was able to pacify Attila the Hun; Chamberlain's appeasement stopped Hitler in his tracks.

Speaking of propaganda, lies, and disinformation, the people who are noted for doing the unnecessary inefficiently for those who don't want it are in the process of stealing another industry
(nationalization) in the name of the selfish and greedy in order to give us health care that has all the efficiency of the postal service and social security.

Much as was the case with the auto industry, the stockholders or owners of the various companies will be hung out to dry. Their certificates of ownership are soon to be worth less than the paper on which they were printed. Will we continue dithering like wildebeests hoping that the crocodiles get the other guy until the deeds to our homes become as worthless and meaningless as GM stocks?

Further evidence has arisen that federal Constitutional guarantees and prohibitions continue be eroded and ignored by the totalitarian government, and the O-boobs plan to pay for it by stealing from unborn children.

May your gods be with you.

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Theft with Impunity

Forcibly taking others' resources is theft. It is only marginally significant whether the thieves are government hooligans, members of organized crime, or street level punks. Barack's Brigades are the new Robbing Hoods. They stole GM from its owners, took the majority share of Chrysler, and divided the spoils between themselves and the UAW.

One of the Robbing Hoods' intentions is to finish polarizing Americans--this is the divide and conquer strategy--into two camps. One group, comprised of bureaucrats and their clients, is permanently dependent upon money that others have earned and the other is populated by those whose earnings continue to be stolen. One-third of American households pay no federal income taxes; 10% pay 71% of all personal federal income taxes.

O-Robbing Hood and his merry band of thieves are soon to learn a lesson that will be paid for by taxpayers. Mere ownership of businesses is a far cry from effectively managing them for profit.

May your gods be with you.

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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Verbosity Without Veracity

O-boomboom's propaganda, lies, and disinformation continue unabated in the form of non-factual historical revisionism. Mainstream media's thunderous silence reveals its complicity in the deception, offering further evidence that those who hide things are usually up to no good.

Not too many years ago, the Palin outrage would have been resolved by a couple of members of her tribe giving Davey Boy a stern lecture that would have left him with a fat lip and black eye. That the network which once employed Walter Cronkite has sunk to this level indicates the amoral state of many Americans.

Despite all of the O-bamista's whining and ankle biting prior to taking control of Congress and the White House, there has been little, if any, relief from the Bush Administration's alleged oppression of the masses by either the O-legislative or O-executive branches of government. We are still not secure in our personal effects and papers, habeas corpus is but a distant memory, police need not show prior probable cause, and we can still be held indefinitely for refusing to give evidence against ourselves.

The Web offers the last relatively unfettered marketplace of ideas on this planet. It has been a thorn in the side of those who are desperate to silence inconvenient dissent against the socialist, totalitarian, and fascist cancer known as progressivism. The scheme to still the voices of reason is the same old hustle by the same old cons; it is to tax, regulate, control, and censor free political speech.

May your gods be with you.

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Friday, June 12, 2009

Inconvenient News

Spanish fossils indicate that the human branch may have first evolved from the tree of life while our ancestors were in Europe. The next move will come from the panderers at Non-FactualHistoricalRevisionism'RUs.

In Obamatopia, it is much better to be the ration-or of resources than the ration-ee.

Speaking of Obamatopia, there seems to be a dearth of information exposing the propaganda, lies, and disinformation wafting down from DC.

Consider the potential consequences of events in the state with the Republican-lite governor at the helm. The O-moebas are poised and licking their chops to take over all of the entitlement programs in California when voters turn off the cash spigot and force a change to representative government. When this happens and the courts uphold the action, the federalization of California will be the model for the other 49 states. If memory serves, a war was fought over taxation without representation.

It's Deja vu all over again. The practice of blaming the person who just left the job has a way of proving embarrassing.

May your gods be with you.

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