Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Shreds 'n Tatters

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Obama is starting to have the same sort of smirk when he lies
as Bill Clinton. Notice the deception when he leans forward.

Never underestimate an enemy or his observations, and most especially, never underestimate the hun within the gate. Barack the Hun believes that we as a nation should be taken down a peg or two, and he is in the process of doing it. Unilaterally imposing crippling conditions on our people--one of his schemes is to quadruple the cost of gasoline, electricity, natural gas, and heating fuel--that will make more and more of us wards of the state. Gosh, I wonder who might benefit from that?

The first massive handout funded by intergenerational theft failed, so let's print some more checks. While we are busily bloating the federal budget and its cadre of federal employees who pander to wards of the state, let's send some federal welfare checks to the states so that they won't have to lay off any
members of the National Education Association or the State and Local employees organizations.

Speaking of taxation without representation, czars who don't answer directly to taxpayers or periodically have to stand for election seem to be sprouting out of the ground like mushrooms.

May your gods be with you.

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